Domestic Violence Restraining Order Attorneys Modesto CA

At Modesto Family Law, we understand the emotional turmoil and practical challenges associated with domestic violence. If you are experiencing abuse from a spouse, intimate partner, or family member, California law empowers you to seek protection through a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO). Our compassionate and experienced Modesto family law attorneys can guide you through this process with sensitivity and strength, ensuring your safety and well-being.

Understanding Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is more than physical harm. It encompasses a broad spectrum of abusive behaviors, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and stalking.

Who Can Qualify for a DVRO in California?

California law allows you to seek a DVRO against various individuals who have a close relationship with you, such as a current or former spouse, dating partner (current or former), someone you share a child with, a housemate or roommate, or a relative (blood or in-law).

Types of Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

California offers three primary types of DVROs depending on the urgency of your situation:

restraining order
  • Emergency Protective Order (EPO): A temporary order granted by a law enforcement officer ex parte (without the abuser present) in emergency situations. It typically lasts up to seven days.
  • Temporary Restraining Order (TRO): A temporary order issued by a judge after a hearing, where you present evidence of abuse. A TRO typically lasts for up to 25 days, and the abuser has the right to attend the hearing.
  • Restraining Order After Hearing (ROAH): A long-term order issued by a judge after a full court hearing, where both parties have the opportunity to present evidence. A ROAH can last for up to five years and can be renewed.

Schedule a Consultation Today

If you are experiencing domestic violence, contact Modesto Family Law today. We offer a safe and confidential space to discuss your situation and explore your legal options.  Our experienced attorneys can help you obtain a DVRO and navigate the path toward safety and security.